日本のうた〜震える心(Click here)
アヴェ・マリア(Click here)

80着に及ぶ HANAE MORI PARIS HAUTE COUTURE の個人コレクションから選りすぐりの衣装に加え、オペラハウスの衣装デザイナーによるオートクチュール ドレスも、本人の映像やサウンドと共に公開されます。
安藤忠雄氏が建築されたスタジオ、 STUMP BASE (東京・南青山) にて開催致します。
住所 | 東京都港区南青山6-5-45
開場時間 | 27日 (土) 10:00~21:00
開場時間 | 28日 (日) 10:00~18:00
観覧料 | 無料
主催 | 佐藤 かれん (SHINOBUSATO.JP)
クリエイティブプロデュース | 水島裕作 (YUSAKUMIZUSHIMA.COM)
This is the first special exhibition focusing on Shinobu Sato’s career as an opera singer and her magnificent stage costumes. She has performed on stages all over the world wearing HANAE MORI PARIS HAUTE COUTURE dresses designed by the world-famous fashion designer Hanae Mori.
In addition to the 80 costumes selected from HANAE MORI PARIS HAUTE COUTURE’s private collection, haute couture dresses by the costume designer of Opera houses will also be on display along with videos and audios.
The exhibition will be held at STUMP BASE (Minami Aoyama, Tokyo), a studio built by Tadao Ando. We hope you will enjoy the encounter between Sato’s philosophy of art and the world of fashion and beauty.
Exhibition Period | Saturday , 27 May, 2023 – Sunday, 28 May, 2023
Address | 6-5-45 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ki, Tokyo, Japan
Opening Hours | 10:00-21:00, 27 May
Opening Hours | 10:00-18:00, 28 May
Admission | Free
Organized by | Karen Sato (SHINOBUSATO.JP)
Creative Produced by | Yusaku Mizushima (YUSAKUMIZUSHIMA.COM)

CHOPIN magazine, May

CHOPIN magazine, May



ONGAKU NO TOMO magazine, May

ONGAKU NO TOMO magazine, May

ONGAKU NO TOMO magazine, May

Art Exhibition JAPAN

Art Exhibition JAPAN

Art Exhibition JAPAN

Art Exhibition JAPAN

Art Exhibition JAPAN

Art Exhibition JAPAN

Nikkei Electronic Edition

Nikkei newspaper, May 18

ショパン 5月号 CHOPIN magazine, May
HANAE MORI PARIS HAUTE COUTURE, makeup: Yusaku Mizushima
「佐藤しのぶ 母の日に贈るコンサート」は2019年に25回目を迎え同年9月にこの世を去るまで現役を貫き、世界の子供たちの為に生涯を通してチャリティ活動にも精力的に取り組んだ。

Shinobu SATO, the diva representing Japan.
She graduated from the Agency for Cultural Affairs Opera Training Institute as the youngest and chief. She made her debut as “Merry Widow” and “La Traviata”. She studied abroad in Milan as an artist overseas trainee dispatched by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. She then played title roles such as “Tosca” and “Madame Butterfly” one after another, and she was invited to the opening of the 80th anniversary of the Bratislava International Festival with the title role of “Tosca” and made her European debut.
The conductors who co-starred are Seiji Ozawa, Christian Tillemann, Colin Davis, Christoph Eschenbach, Eliaf Inbal, Charles Dutoit, Pincus Steinberg, etc., and the orchestra is the Orchester National de France and the Orchester National de France. , Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, etc.
She then performed in various parts of Europe, including the Cologne Opera House and the Deutsche Oper Berlin, starting with her “Madame Butterfly” at the Vienna State Opera.
The “Concert for Shinobu Sato Mother’s Day” celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2019, and remained active until her death in September of the same year, and actively engaged in charity activities for children around the world throughout her life.

[TOSCA] Sofia National Opera etc.
![[トスカ] 東京文化会館 他[TOSCA] Tokyo Bunka Kaikan etc.](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/44938EE2-3221-4E22-BCE8-98EC2745508E-300x200.jpeg)
[TOSCA] Tokyo Bunka Kaikan etc.

演出: 市川 右近
美術: 千住 博
衣装: 森 英恵
[YUZURU] Tokyo Bunka Kaikan etc.
Producer: Ukon Ichikawa
Scenery Design: Hiroshi Senju
Costume: Hanae Mori
![[蝶々夫人] オペラシティ 他[MADAMA BUTTERFLY] Opera City etc.](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/差し替え最新蝶々-300x200.jpg)
[MADAMA BUTTERFLY] Opera City etc.
![[カルメン] オペラシティ 他[CARMEN] Opera City etc.](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/3F3A87A2-62F0-447B-9D6F-B87067B68DA7-300x200.jpeg)
[CARMEN] Opera City etc.
テレビ神奈川「佐藤しのぶ 出逢いのハーモニー」のパーソナリティを16年半務めた。
文化放送音楽賞、都民文化栄誉章、ジロー・オペラ賞大賞、マドモアゼル・パルファム賞、Federazione Italiana Cuochi、日本文化デザイン賞大賞等を受賞。

Appeared in NHK “Kohaku Uta Gassen” for 4 consecutive years since 1987.
In 1996, she was the first Japanese singer officially invited by the Korean government to perform at KBO’s 50,000 Seoul Stadium under the direction of Myung-Whun Chung.
In 1997, she played the role of Hanahime Otachi in the opera “Ken,” which commemorated the opening of the New National Theatre.
In 1999, she co-starred with Ashkenazy and Phil in the Czech Republic at the Velvet Revolution 10th Anniversary Concert in Prague, attended by world leaders and broadcast to the world in the news.
She appeared in the “Peace Pilgrimage Concert 60th Anniversary Concert” (Nagasaki / Hiroshima) in August 2005 and the “50th Anniversary Concert of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress” in April 2009. She also appeared in the “National Celebration”. She sang to 30,000 people, “It’s the 20th year of the Emperor in November 2009.”
The national recital series “Uta wa Prayer”, which has been held for seven consecutive years since 2010, has successfully mobilized more than 140,000 people.
She was highly acclaimed for her first starring role in “Yuzuru” from January to April 2014, and her February and March 2016 replays were also well received.
She has been on Kanagawa TV for 16 and a half years, and she is the personality of “Shinobu Sato Deai-no Harmony”.
Received the Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Music Award, the Metropolitan Cultural Honor, the Jiro Opera Award Grand Prize, the Mademoiselle Parfum Award, the Federazione Italiana Cuochi, and the Japan Cultural Design Award Grand Prize.
![[トゥーランドット] ソフィア国立歌劇場オペラ[Turandot] Opera of The Sofia National Opera](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802378-768x1090.jpg)
[Turandot] Opera of The Sofia National Opera
![[仮面舞踏会] ソフィア国立歌劇場[Un ballo in maschera] Sofia National Opera](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802379-768x1090.jpg)
[Un ballo in maschera] Sofia National Opera
![[デュオコンサート] ペーター・ドヴォルスキー[Duo Concert] Peter Dovorsky](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802380-768x1090.jpg)
[Duo Concert] Peter Dovorsky
![[ラ・ボエーム / トスカ] スロヴァキア国立歌劇場オペラ初来日公演[ La Boheme / Tosca] Opera of The Slovak National Theatre first time in Japan.](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802381-768x1090.jpg)
[ La Boheme / Tosca] Opera of The Slovak National Theatre first time in Japan.
![[トスカ] スロヴァキア国立歌劇場[Tosca] The Slovak National Theatre](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802382-768x1090.jpg)
[Tosca] The Slovak National Theatre
![[仮面舞踏会] ソフィア国立歌劇場[Un ballo in maschera] Sofia National Opera](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802383-768x1090.jpg)
[Un ballo in maschera] Sofia National Opera
![[仮面舞踏会] ソフィア国立歌劇場[Un ballo in maschera] Sofia National Opera](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/36869-768x1090.jpg)
[Un ballo in maschera] Sofia National Opera
![[夕鶴][Yuzuru ]](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/S__15802385.jpg)
[Yuzuru ]
![[カルメン] ウィーン国立歌劇場にて[CARMEN] Wiener Staatsoper](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/名称未設定-6-1-768x1142.jpg)
[CARMEN] Wiener Staatsoper
![[オペラガラ] オーストリアにて[OPERA-GALA] Culture and Congress Centre Montforthaus Feldkirch](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/MET-1-768x1142.jpg)
[OPERA-GALA] Culture and Congress Centre Montforthaus Feldkirch
![[蝶々夫人] ウィーン国立歌劇場[MADAMA BUTTERFLY] Wiener Staatsoper](http://shinobusato.jp/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/名称未設定-1-768x1155.jpg)
[MADAMA BUTTERFLY] Wiener Staatsoper

Federazione Italiana Cuochi

Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc. Music Awards

GIRAUD OPERA Grand prize

Singing voice connects hearts

The song for tomorrow
ph: Kaz Nakamura

Shinobu Sato Deai-no-Harmony


Japanese songs~heart trembles
ph: Kaz Nakamura

Ave Maria

Songs My Mother Taught Me
ph: Kaz Nakamura

Time of star
with Karen Sato

Collection Special

Puccini Aria Collection

Verdi Aria Collection
ph: Kishin Shinoyama

TEN-YEARS GALA shinobu satoh Vilia's songs


The gift to the star

Mozart Aria Collection

Verdi La Traviata
ph: Kishin Sinoyama

Verdi Aria Collection
ph: Kishin Shinoyama

Verdi La Traviata
ph: Kishin Sinoyama

Aria for the 21st century

Misuzu Kaneko Collection